INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // UCB - The contribution of real-life data in the perception of autoimmune myasthenia gravis

25 April 2024
SYMPO7 12:00 > 13:00 INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // UCB - The contribution of real-life data in the perception of autoimmune myasthenia gravis 352 A+B

SYMP7L1 Welcome and introduction SYMP7L2 What contributions does the SNDS make towards the definition of different populations of autoimmune myasthenia gravis? > C. Céline TARD (Lille, France) SYMP7L3 MyastheniaGravis, its Impact on QOL and Work in France (SPOON Study) : an innovative methodology to qualify patient needs. > M. Matthieu LUSIGNAN (Bordeaux, France)
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