INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // ALEXION - Legacy and Innovation: The Potential of Complement in Myasthenia Gravis

24 April 2024
SYMPO6 17:30 > 18:30 INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // ALEXION - Legacy and Innovation: The Potential of Complement in Myasthenia Gravis 352 A+B

17:30 SYMP6L1 Welcome and Introductions 17:35 SYMP6L2 Burden of Disease and Role of Complement in MG > A. Anthony BÉHIN (Paris, France) 17:43 SYMP6L3 Complement inhibition as a target for MG treatment > D. Djillali ANNANE (Paris, France) 18:03 SYMP6L4 MG Treatment guidelines in the context of Clinical Practice in France > A. Anthony BÉHIN (Paris, France) 18:13 SYMP6L5 Summary and close 18:28 SYMP6L6 Discussion and Q&A
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